01 December 2022 | Tourism, Events
A unique experience at Oceanopolis in Brittany
OcéanOpolis celebrates its 30th birthday It is an aquarium that shares its knowledge with its National Center for Scientific Culture dedicated to the Ocean, one of the largest aquariums in France in Brittany. Discover many rare or common species and live a captivating experience around the aquatic world. For the Christmas holidays, Océanopolis has concocted a nice program for you!

Light on the ocean for the Christmas holidays
From December 17th to 31st, discover marine bioluminescence* and explore the depths through the Abyys 3D immersion animation, interactive and fun Minalab quizzes accompanied by a scientific mediator. You will discover fascinating creators who populate the depths of the ocean.
What is Marine Bioluminescence*?
In the ocean, 80% of animals are bioluminescent, which means that they either produce their own light through a series of chemical reactions or harbor bacteria that take care of this task themselves. Whether for signaling, locating prey, attracting mates, defending themselves or repelling predators, in the depths, more than 80% of species emit light. Bioluminescence, so rare on earth, is actually widespread in the ocean.
The missions of Océanopolis
Between science and society, Océanopolis develops scientific and cultural media actions on a national and international scale. Océanopolis contributes to many actions aimed at contributing to the conservation of the biological diversity of the marine environment.
A place of sharing and knowledge
It allows the public to discover the marine environment and the associated issues, with conferences, films, exhibitions and events each year.
Activities for all audiences
Océanopolis offers an annual program of activities involving scientific, industrial and public partners with exhibitions, conferences, scientific and technical culture events.
Brittany gets involved
With the establishment of this pole, Brittany is involved in the development of science and in the development of scientific, technical and industrial culture. The main objective is to coordinate the actions carried out by different actors in the region.
A unique voyage to the heart of the oceans
Tropical Pavilion, Brittany Pavilion, Polar Pavilion, Otter Trail and maritime innovations... a unique journey to the heart of the oceans.
You can book your tickets online to save time: