Tour Madeloc

 Par Florian Pépellin — Travail personnel, CC BY-SA 3.0, 

10 May 2024  |  Nature , Sports and leisure

Madeloc Tower, a breathtaking view of the Côte Vermeille

La Tour Madeloc est une tour de guet médiévale située dans le massif des Albères, surplombant la Côte Vermeille. Construite au XIIIe siècle, cette tour servait autrefois à surveiller les mouvements des navires et à prévenir des attaques. Aujourd'hui c'est un lieu prisé des randonneurs pour ses vues panoramiques et ses histoires fascinantes.

The Madeloc Tower hike

One of the most popular ways is to leave from Banyuls-sur-mer. The trail gradually climbs around vineyards offering magnificent views of the Mediterranean. The closer you get to the tower, the rockier the path will become. Make sure you wear good shoes.

652 meters above sea level

The Madeloc Tower stands at an altitude of 652 meters, offering a 360-degree panorama of the Côte Vermeille, the Albères massif and the Roussillon plains. From above you will see coastal towns like Collioure, Port-Vendres and the Island of Majorca in the distance. The tower itself is a vestige of medieval times. Although it is not possible to climb inside, you can walk around the base and admire the stone structure. It's also a great place to take a break, take photos and enjoy the view.

Tour Madeloc

 © Alan Mattingly — Travail personnel, CC BY-SA 4.0, 

A vestige of the times

This tower dates from the 13th century, it was built in 1285 under James II of Majorca. It helped protect against attacks. The Madeloc tower was built with the aim of monitoring the sea. Like all the other towers, it communicated with its neighbors thanks to a system of lights, at night the fire served as light signals, during the day serving to produce smoke. Its closest neighbor is the Massane Tower, which was linked to the Château de Collioure, the summer residence of the kings of Majorca.

Activities around the region

The surroundings of the Madeloc Tower offer many other activities. Here are some suggestions to extend your visit to the region:

Visit of the Vineyards

The path that leads to the Madeloc Tower passes through the vineyards of Roussillon, a region renowned for its wines. You can take advantage of your hike to visit cellars and taste local wines. Banyuls-sur-Mer is particularly known for its natural sweet wine, while Collioure produces high quality red and rosé wines.

Exploring Banyuls-sur-Mer

Banyuls-sur-Mer is a charming coastal village with sandy beaches, rocky coves and a bustling port. You can spend a day there relaxing on the beach, doing water activities or exploring the village. The Mediterranean garden of Banyuls, known as the Jardin Méditerranéen du Mas de la Serre, is also worth a visit.

Discovery of Collioure

Collioure, a few kilometers from the Tour Madeloc, is another essential village on the Côte Vermeille. With its colorful streets, artisan shops and welcoming restaurants, it's a perfect place to relax after hiking. Don't forget to visit the Royal Castle and the Notre-Dame-des-Anges church, which border the sea.

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Amélie Roca

I am a Community Manager for Pure France as well as the host of Pure France TV, presenting high quality rental homes all over France.

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