16 August 2022 | Tourism
Pic du Midi and its panoramic restaurant
The Pic du Midi de Bigorre is a must-see during your stay, it is part of the Grands Sites de Midi-Pyrénées. Arrive by cable car. In a few minutes you are at 2877 m. The view at the top is exceptional. Also discover its panoramic restaurant.

The view at the top is exceptional over the whole massif. You can see 300 km of mountains from east to west. Don't forget to go to the footbridge walking in the void with the 360° view is an unforgettable experience! An observatory can also be visited.

We can also recommend the gastronomic restaurant, Le 2877.

Book your ticket here; https://picdumidi.com/fr/preparer-votre-sejour/vente-en-ligne